The P3 and P4 Paper 2 English components test students on their grammatical foundation, vocabulary bank and comprehension. Students can score well if they follow certain techniques to help them find the correct answers. So, here are a few English Paper 2 reminders for students as they prepare for their upcoming examination.
English Paper 2 reminders
1. Find your clues
For the Grammar MCQ which tests students on their knowledge of subject-verb-agreement, tenses, phrasal verbs etc
Read your sentence
Highlight the clue
Find your answer
For the Grammar Cloze section that tests students on their knowledge of subject-verb-agreement
Read the passage
Highlight the subject
Identify it as singular or plural
Select the verb in agreement with the subject
2. Review your Vocabulary Lists
To gain a good vocabulary bank, students should read various reading materials. Preparing a word bank for the whole year is also a good way for students to revise before the examination. At TF we give our students a weekly Vocabulary list so that they can gradually build their vocabulary bank.
3. Visual Text & Comprehension
Read your text
Summarise what each paragraph is telling you
Highlight keywords or phrases in the questions
Find your answers from the passage. (Remember not to totally lift the whole sentence)
Check that you have truly answered the question asked
4. Synthesis & Transformation
The synthesis & Transformation component is rule-based just like grammar. Remembering the rules goes a long way to helping students score in this section. At TF, we work with our P3 & P4 students on the synthesis & transformation, introducing them to the common and more challenging ones throughout the year. Below are some common S&T question types.
4.1 Both…and
It is a correlative conjunction
They come in pairs and is often used in different parts of a sentence
*WATCH OUT for the subject-verb-agreement here. Both..and refers to two subjects now and thus the plural form of the verb must always be used.
4.2 Either..or / Neither .. or
They are correlative conjunctions.
They come in pairs and must be used in different parts of a sentence
*WATCH OUT for the subject-verb-agreement here. The verb conjunction depends on the subject closest to the verb or to the blank.
4.3 Prefer … to
This is another correlative conjunction.
4.4 Reported Speech
Reported speech is reporting to someone what has been said. When changing from Direct Speech to Reported Speech or from Reported Speech to Direct Speech, you need to watch out for:
4.5 Unless
Unless means the same as if..not
It is used in conditional sentences of all types
Unless is followed by a present tense, a past tense, or a past perfect tense
We hope that these reminders are useful and we wish everyone all the best for the upcoming examinations! Visit our collection of Primary 3 Paper 2 ressources to further enrich your English learning journey
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