Creating Vocabulary lists for students can be a great way to build on a students understanding of new and complex words. This is especially important as vocabulary in tests and examinations get more challenging. As my students get busier with more school activities and tuition of other subjects, besides English, I have refined my testing for new Vocabulary words. This year, students are required to make a sentence in class for each word they have to learn.
In this way, they can focus on learning to spell words from the Editing lists I provide for P5 and P6 and Commonly Misspelled words for P3 and P4.
Creating Vocabulary lists at home for your child is easy to do. For my P3 students, whom I met for the first time last Thursday, I have used the words from the 2018 SA1 Top School Primary 3 papers.
I chose words that I guess may be challenging for them and found the meanings of these words. As these students are in lower primary, tweaking the meanings found in the dictionary to facilitate easier comprehension, is required.
An example of a Vocabulary list is below. I have divided the number of words to learn for both NYPS and Pei Hwa PPS so as to not overwhelm my P3 students in their first Term with Thinking Factory.
P3 English Vocabulary List from Nanyang Primary School
Part 1
disallow – to refuse to allow something
reject – to refuse to accept or consider something
reprimand – an expression of disapproval/scolding
misery – a feeling of great physical or mental discomfort.
anxiety – a feeling of worry, nervousness,
Part 2
scald – injure with very hot liquid or steam
ferocious – savagely fierce
contagious – spread from one person or organism to another, typically by direct contact
noble – belonging by rank, title, or birth to the aristocracy (e.g Kings or Queens)
camouflage – to disguise oneself or something to blend with the surroundings
P3 English Vocabulary List from Pei Hwa PPS
Part 1
strode (stride) – walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction
stomp – walk heavily and noisily, typically in order to show anger
illustrator – a person who draws or creates pictures for magazines, books,
inspire – to motivate someone to reach a dream or create an idea
rehearse – to practise (a play, piece of music, or other work) for later public performance
Part 2
trotted – run at an average pace with short steps
scurried – move hurriedly with short quick steps
hobble – walk in an awkward way, typically because of pain from an injury.
gallop – the fastest pace of a horse or other quadruped, with all the feet off the ground together in each stride
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