As promised, I have started on the P6 Vocabulary List taken from the CA1 2016 Top School Papers. Below are the first three schools. I will post more next week. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
temperament – the combination of mental, physical, and emotional traits of a person; natural predisposition
vehemence – expressing strong feelings with fervour or fury
to make amends – to compensate as for an injury or loss or mistake
advocate – to publicly support an idea or a way of doing something
dubious – thought to be not completely true or not to be trusted
staunch – always loyal in supporting a set of beliefs
adamant – impossible to persuade or unwilling to change a decision or idea
immeasurably – so large and great that it cannot be measured
intermittently – starting and stopping
exhilaration – excitement and happiness
exuberance – very energetic
clam up – to remain silent
clamp down – a sudden action taken by the government or authority to stop an activity
a bee in her bonnet – to keep talking about something/obsessed with an idea
a chip on her shoulder – an angry attitude from someone who feels that he is treated unfairly
a feather in her cap – an achievement to be proud of
St Hilda’s
toying – to consider something in not a serious way
speculate – to guess possible answers to a question
steadfast – staying the same for a long time and not changing unexpectedly
patriotic – showing love for your country and being proud of it
quell – to stop something especially by using force
subdue – to reduce the force of something
surmount – to deal successfully with a problem
annihilate – to destroy something completely until nothing is left
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