I have prepared the P6 Vocabulary List from the Top School Past Year SA1 papers (with the exception of 2 papers.)
RGPS SA1 Vocabulary List
frenetic – filled with excitement, activity, or confusion : wild or frantic
languid -showing or having very little strength, energy, or activity
contested – to struggle or fight for or against something
contorted – to twist into an unusual appearance or shape
dysfunctional – the state of being unable to function in a normal way
irreproachable – not deserving criticism or blame : having no fault
Tao Nan SA1 Vocabulary List
extort – to get (something, such as money) from a person by the use of force or threats
swindle – to take money or property from (someone) by using lies or tricks
embezzle – to steal money that you have been trusted with
retract – to take back (something, such as an offer or promise)
nostalgia- pleasure and sadness that is caused by remembering something from the past and wishing that you could experience it again
pretentious – having or showing the unpleasant quality of people who want to be regarded as more impressive, successful, or important than they really are
condescending – showing that you believe you are more intelligent or better than other people
manipulative – to change by artful or unfair means so as to serve one’s purpose
SCGS SA1 Vocabulary List
forefront – the most important part or position
foremost – most important
foreground – the part of a scene or picture that is nearest to and in front of the viewer
outset – the start or beginning of something
outfall – the outlet of a body of water (as a river or lake
furtively – done in a quiet and secret way to avoid being noticed
inert – moving or acting very slowly
latent – present and capable of emerging or developing but not now visible, obvious, active,
comatose – in a coma
endeared – to cause to become beloved or admired
Henry Park SA1 Vocabulary List
incessant – continuing without stopping
seamlessly – moving from one thing to another easily and without any interruptions or problems
enticed – to attract (someone) especially by offering or showing something that is appealing, interesting,
lucrative – producing money or wealth
incurred – to cause yourself to have or experience (something unpleasant or unwanted)
Maha Bodhi SA1 Vocabulary List
grope – to search for something by reaching or touching usually with your fingers in an awkward way
forage – search for provisions
endured – to deal with or accept (something unpleasant)
break their back – put great effort into achieving something
NYPS SA1 Vocabulary List
eluded – to avoid or escape (someone or something) by being quick, skillful, or clever
averted – to turn (your eyes, gaze, etc.) away or aside
evict – to force (someone) to leave a place
expel – to officially force (someone) to leave a place or organization
rejuvenated – to make (someone) feel or look young, healthy, or energetic again
Nan Hua SA1 Vocabulary List
inaugural – happening as the first one in a series of similar events
replenished – to fill or build up (something) again
adhere – to bind oneself to observance to the rules>
append – to add (something) to a piece of writing
a tall order – an unreasonable or difficult demand
ACS SA1 Vocabulary List
slink – to move in a way that does not attract attention especially because you are embarrassed, afraid, or doing something wrong
clomp – to walk with loud, heavy steps
reel – feel shocked, bewildered
rappelling – to move down a steep cliff, rock, etc., by pushing your feet against its surface and sliding down a rope
transfixed – to cause someone to sit or stand without moving because of surprise, shock, interest
probe – a careful examination or investigation of something
CHIJ SA1 Vocabulary List
retained – to keep (someone) in a position, job, etc.
bent over backwards – try very hard to please someone
Red Swastika SA1 Vocabulary List
bondage – involuntary servitude
agitated – feeling or appearing troubled or nervous
a dog in a manger – someone who keeps something that they do not really want in order to prevent anyone else from having it
a hard nut to crack – a problem that is very difficult to solved or a person who is very difficult to understand
Rosyth SA1 Vocabulary List
refrain – to stop yourself from doing something that you want to do
restrain – to prevent (a person or animal) from doing something
impose – to cause (something, such as a tax, fine, rule, or punishment) to affect someone or something by using your authority
abolished – to officially end or stop (something, such as a law) : to completely do away with (something)
enthused – to say (something) with enthusiasm
enthralled – to hold the attention of (someone) by being very exciting, interesting, or beautiful
enraptured – to fill (someone) with delight
infested – of something harmful or unwanted: to be in or over (a place, an animal, etc.) in large numbers
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