I hope that everyone has had a good break! My P6 students have started on their Preliminary Papers and I have prepared the Vocabulary list below. The words are taken from the Vocabulary MCQ section of the papers.

Vocabulary List Preliminary Papers 2015 – Catholic High One

  1. provoke – stimulate or incite (someone) to do or feel something, especially by arousing anger in them.
  2. evoke – bring or recall (a feeling, memory, or image) to the conscious mind.
  3. invoke – to mention (someone or something) in an attempt to make people feel a certain way or have a certain idea in their mind
  4. invoke – to make use of (a law, a right, etc.)
  5. appease – to make (someone) pleased or less angry by giving or saying something desired
  6. rouse – to wake (someone) from sleep
  7. wane – to become smaller or less : to decrease in size, amount, length, or quality

Vocabulary List Preliminary Papers 2015 – RGPS

  1. ruckus – a noisy argument, fight, etc.
  2. thwarted – to prevent (someone) from doing something or to stop (something) from happening
  3. exacerbated – to make (a bad situation, a problem, etc.) worse
  4. impeded – to slow the movement, progress, or action of (someone or something)
  5. infallible – not capable of being wrong or making mistakes
  6. indispensable – extremely important and necessary

Vocabulary List Preliminary Papers 2015 – SCGS

  1. annihilate – to destroy (something or someone) completely
  2. congregate – to come together in a group or crowd
  3. marred – to ruin the beauty or perfection of (something) : to hurt or damage the good condition of (something)
  4. blighted – spoil, harm or destroy
  5. festooned – a long chain or strip of something (such as flowers or cloth) that is hung as a decoration
  6. rotund – fat and round
  7. corpulent – having a large bulky body
  8. emaciated – to cause to lose flesh so as to become very thin
  9. contemptuously – feeling or showing deep hatred or disapproval : feeling or showing contempt

Vocabulary List Preliminary Papers 2015 – Henry Park

  1. overzealous – excessively enthusiastic
  2. contender – a person who tries to win something in a contest; especially : a person who has a good chance of winning
  3. forfeited – something that is lost or given up as punishment or because of a rule or law
  4. accredited – to say that something is good enough to be given official approval

Vocabulary List Preliminary Papers 2015 – Rosyth

  1. pledged – a serious promise or agreement/ a promise to give money
  2. depleted – to use up the supply
  3. substantial – large in amount, size, or number
  4. weighty – very important and serious
  5. infinite – having no limits

Vocabulary List Preliminary Papers 2015 – CHIJ

  1. prevailed – to get control or influence
  2. oversight – a mistake made because someone forgets or fails to notice something
  3. negligence – failure to take the care that a responsible person usually takes : lack of normal care or attention

Vocabulary List Preliminary Papers 2015 – Maha Bodhi

  1. intense – very great in degree : very strong
  2. agonising – extremely painful
  3. inventive – having or showing an ability to think of new ideas and methods : creative or imaginative
  4. innovative – having new ideas about how something can be done
  5. loomed – a frame or machine for interlacing at right angles two or more sets of threads or yarns to form a cloth

Vocabulary List Preliminary Papers 2015 – NYPS

  1. lures – an appealing or attractive quality
  2. fabricate – to make or build (something)
  3. negligible – very small or unimportant
  4. ambling – to walk slowly in a free and relaxed way

Vocabulary List Preliminary Papers 2015 – MGS

  1. revoked – to officially cancel the power or effect of (something, such as a law, license, agreement, etc.) : to make (something) not valid
  2. revamped – to make (something) better or like new again
  3. afflicting – to cause pain or suffering to (someone or something)
  4. inflicting – to cause someone to experience or be affected by (something unpleasant or harmful)
  5. hoax – to trick or deceive (someone)
  6. gimmick – something that is not serious or of real value to attract people’s attention (especially to buy something)
  7. indifferent – not interested in or concerned about something

Vocabulary List Preliminary Papers 2015 – Nan Hua

  1. versatile – able to do many different things
  2. vigilant – carefully noticing problems or signs of danger
  3. exert – to use (strength, ability, etc.)
  4. enforce – to make (a law, rule, etc.) active or effective : to make sure that people do what is required by (a law, rule, etc.)

Vocabulary List Preliminary Papers 2015 – ACS

  1. tyranny – to make (a law, rule, etc.) active or effective : to make sure that people do what is required by (a law, rule, etc.)
  2. benevolence – disposition to do good
  3. eliciting – to get (a response, information, etc.) from someone
  4. integrating – to combine (two or more things) to form or create something
  5. conscientious – very careful about doing what you are supposed to do : concerned with doing something correctly

Don’t Miss Any Future Post!

2025 P6 English Tuition Timetable

Bukit TimahMON - FULL - WAITING LIST3 pm to 5 pm
Bukit TimahTUE - FULL - WAITING LIST5 pm to 7 pm
Bukit TimahTHU5.15 pm to 7.15 pm
Bukit TimahSAT - FULL - WAITING LIST11 am to 1 pm
Bukit TimahSAT - FULL - WAITING LIST1 pm to 3 pm
HougangWED - ALMOST FULL5 pm to 7 pm
HougangSAT - ALMOST FULL11 am to 1 pm
Virtual branch*FRI5 pm to 7 pm
* Virtual branch = 100% online live tuition
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