In the P5 and P6 English Synthesis & Transformation (S&T) components, interchanging word classes appear regularly. There is almost always one question in every exercise that tests students on their ability to change a verb to a noun or an adjective to a noun etc.

1. What are word classes?

Word classes are also called parts of speech. Some examples of word classes are nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. In S&T, an idea in the original sentence is re-expressed by transforming the word class.

2. How do we transform the word class?

By adding suffixes, we are able to change the word class of the words that they are attached to.

Today we will look at two categories of word classes that commonly appear in S&T:

  • Verb to Noun transformation
  • Adjective to Noun transformation

3. Examples of Verb to Noun transformation

We are able to change a verb to a noun by adding one of the following suffixes :

The ‘-ance’ suffix

from appeared to appearance

The ‘-ion’ suffix

From conclude to conclusion

The ‘-ment’ suffix

From achieve to achievement

The ‘-nce’ suffix

From avoid to avoidance

The ‘-ion’ suffix

From confused to confusion

The ‘-ion’ suffix again

From create to creation

The ‘-y’ suffix

From injure to injury

The ‘-er’ suffix

From farm to farmer

Here are a few Synthesis & Transformation questions that require you to change from a verb to a noun for practice.

Can you change the verb to the correct noun?

The talk concluded at 1 pm when the bell rang.

________________________________ came to a __________________.

The talk came to a conclusion at 1 pm when the bell rang.

John resembles his mother more closely than his father.

John has a closer ________________________________________.

John has a closer resemblance to his mother than his father.

He appeared suddenly, which startled her

His ____________________________________________________.

His sudden appearance startled her

4. Examples of Adjective to Noun transformation

Now, let’s look at adjective to a noun, which is found more frequently in P6 synthesis & transformation questions.

We are able to change an adjective to a noun by adding one of the following suffixes :

The ‘-dom’ suffix

From free to freedom

The ‘-ness’ suffix

From kind to kindness

The ‘-th’ suffix

From true to truth

The ‘-ty’ suffix

From safe to safety

The ‘-ity’ suffix

From similar to simliarity

Here are a few Synthesis & Transformation ‘adjective to noun’ questions for practice. Can you change the adjective to the correct noun?

Sumei peered out through the window. She was curious.

Out of _______________________________________________________________________.

Out of curiosity, Sumei peered through the window.

The problem sum is complex. Mr. Ahmad needs more time to solve it.

Due to _____________________________________________________________________.

Due to the complexity of the problem sum, Mr. Ahmad needs more time to solve it.

We hope this has helped you understand how to transform a verb or adjective into a noun. At TF, our students are given such lists in P5 and then again in P6. As this is one of the common S&T question types to appear in examinations, do take time to make a list of verbs and adjectives on your own.

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2025 P6 English Tuition Timetable

Bukit TimahMON - Starting Nov 2024 - FULL3 pm to 5 pm
Bukit TimahTUE - Starting Nov 20245 pm to 7 pm
Bukit TimahSAT - Starting Nov 2024 - FULL11 am to 1 pm
Bukit TimahSAT - Starting Nov 2024 - FILLING-UP FAST1 pm to 3 pm
HougangWED - Starting Nov 20245 pm to 7 pm
HougangSAT - Starting Nov 20249 am to 11 am
HougangSAT - Starting Nov 202411 am to 1 pm
Virtual branch*FRI - Starting Nov 20245 pm to 7 pm
* Virtual branch = 100% online live tuition
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