PSLE 2020 Results

I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate my students on their amazing English results and T-scores! Your hard work and resilience have paid off this year. While there are many successes, some students feel disappointed in their T-scores. I believe that they are have all succeeded even if they have missed their goals.

While many countries did away with major examinations this year due to the pandemic, Singapore still continued on with the PSLE. Students had to navigate online lessons, disruptions to their learning schedules, a whole slew of rules and safety measures and the discomfort of wearing a mask for many hours in hot conditions. On top of all this, many students had to come to terms with their family members’ anxieties about job security, health scares or a parent working overseas who could not return home for months on end.

So, in this post, I won’t discuss how many As or A-stars my students got or the highest T-score. I will celebrate the resilience and hard work of every PSLE student who was with me this year. You did it!! Now, go forward and begin your secondary school adventure! I wish you all the best 🙂

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