Lower secondary Writing Series 1 – E05: Avoiding writing pitfalls
Now that the lower secondary students have completed their exams and received their results, it is a good time to review the areas that you need to improve on for the Writing component. The jump from Primary to Secondary school is especially evident in the writing component. Have you mastered the changes in writing? We hope that this series of videos can help you identify your weak areas and encourage you to work on them.
If you would like to work with our Secondary school teachers at our centre, come join us for weekly writing practice.
This is the last video of our lower secondary writing series done by Tr Rachael.
Now that you have learnt about the various types of writing and what you should do, it is also important to know what you should avoid when approaching the essay topic. These potential problems are also known as “pitfalls”.
In this lesson, you will learn how to identify instances where you:
are not addressing the essay question (e.g. giving an invalid argument);
have misinterpreted the essay question/keywords(e.g. your story/narrative is out of point)
This is done in a quiz format. You will get to think through options before finding out whether you are on the right track. Sharpen your essay analysis skills through this exercise!
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