The PSLE English Listening Comprehension is one of the easiest components to score or it used to be. Over the years the questions and texts have become more challenging. In one of my P6 classes, we recently compared the 2015 and 2019 PSLE LC questions and texts and concluded that the 2015 LC was really a walk in the park compared to the 2019 one.
What advice do I give my students when they tackle Listening Comprehension?
1. Be aware of question types
Just like Comprehension OE, Listening Comprehension has mainly 3 questions types :
a) Factual – questions require straightforward answers
b) Inferential – questions require students to deduce the answers by listening to the text
c) Summary – questions require students to conclude the answer from listening to the full text
2. Listen attentively
LC Texts are news reports, advertisements, radio talk shows and interviews. The content may not be the most exciting; thus it is easy for students to ‘switch off’. ‘Switching off’ even for a few seconds in LC can cost you a mark or two. In fact, texts in recent years have become more complex and just missing a sentence can throw a student off the whole text. However, should ‘switching off’ occur, don’t despair. The second reading of the text can help students to get back to where they got lost.
3. Read the questions & don’t be complacent
Students should try to read or scan through the questions before the start of each text. This will allow students to identify the question types quickly and be prepared on what to listen out for.
Should the questions be mostly factual and answers are easily found, don’t be complacent. Listen just as attentively the second time the text is read and check your answers.
I wish everyone all the best for their PSLE Listening Comprehension component! Sleep early and have a healthy breakfast to help you stay alert.
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