Some students take composition writing as a piece of academic work that requires them to write 120 -180 words on paper. Our hope at TF is that they will develop a love of writing that will continue to sparkle in their secondary school years when writing transforms into more demanding academic work.

While it is less challenging to help develop the love of writing at a younger age, usually at primary 3, we have witnessed even primary 6 students change their writing style and produce excellent pieces of work that make us glow with pride.

When a student joins our classes and the main area of weakness is composition writing, we first try to understand why the student is losing marks.

Here are a few ways that the teachers at TF help our reluctant composition writers.

Identify the areas of strength & weakness

    Sometimes the student can fit into any of the categories below.

    The word counter

    This writer sees writing compositions as a chore. He repeats the same ideas and uses the same type of sentence structures, often repeating the same ideas differently. This is done so that he can fulfill the required number of words and be free of this task. This is evident when the student counts words after writing a simple sentence and ending his composition abruptly.

    The grammar offender

    This writer has a higher liking for the language and may write with many good ideas. However, his tenses are all over the place, and he makes many punctuation and spelling mistakes. This will affect the plot and cost him his overall marks.

    The poor ‘theme’ developer

    This writer lightly touches on the theme given or does not mention any of the pictures given in the composition question. The theme is almost forgotten as the writer weaves his own story.

    Thinkng & Planning

    When we identify the type of writer sitting before us, we begin by discussing his or her favourite books. Even if the student’s favourites are comic books, every story has a plot and characters. We discuss the plots and characters that they love and then we try to map out a composition question by using a story template.

    We use this discussion method at every lesson so that the writer develops the habit of ‘thinking’ and ‘planning’ before jumping into writing. This also reduces over-complicated plots and characters.

    Writing Techniques

    Writing techniques come next and this is a vast area. We encourage our students to choose writing techniques and help them develop a style that they like. For the older writers who have already developed their style, we refine it by adding new techniques. However, the three techniques that we emphasise every time our upper primary students (Primary 4-6) write a composition are :

    Theme development

    Ways to develop the theme and how to use the picture/pictures given


    During the planning stage, we ask our students questions like :

    • Which character should we focus on and why?
    • Would the the protagonist or the antagonist be a more standout character for this theme?
    • How should we develop his or her character?

    Introductions & Conclusions

    The opening and closing of a story are essential in attracting the reader’s (examiner’s) interest. Direct speech or a dramatic opening can set the pace for a story.

    For example,

    I woke up in the morning. I went to eat breakfast with my sister and then went to my aunt’s house.

    Could be re-worked to :

    “Wake up sis! The day has finally arrived!” I opened my eyes dreamily to my younger sister jumping up and down in front of me. Her eyes were lit with joy as she clapped her hands gleefully. I smiled as I realised today was the day we were going to visit my aunt and my cousins.

    The use of proverbs, similes and idioms can give a story edge and a good closing (especially if its a moral one) .

    For example,

    The police told John never to do that again. His mother punished him and he cried.

    Could be re-worked to :

    John stood before the police officer, shaking like a leaf. He listened intently to the police officer’s advice and promised never to do that again. After all, once bitten twice shy! John’s mother took him aside and told him that he would not be allowed to play in the soccer team for the next important tournament. John was crushed and started weeping. His mother looked him in the eye and told him that he he had made his bed, now he must lie in it.

    The love of writing comes with the love of the language. Writers should not be boxed up and forced to memorise other students’ compositions. They should be nurtured to develop their own styles of writing with good writing habits.

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    2025 P5 English Tuition Timetable

    Bukit TimahTUE - FULL - WAITING LIST3 pm to 5 pm
    Bukit TimahWED - FULL - WAITING LIST3.30 pm to 5.30 pm
    Bukit TimahFRI - NEW CLASS 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm
    Bukit TimahSAT - FULL - WAITING LIST9 am to 11 am
    HougangTUE5.30 pm to 7.30 pm
    HougangSAT9 am to 11 am
    * Virtual branch = 100% online live tuition
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    Get in touch with us on WhatsApp at 8879 7370